Montana Board of Nursing

Board Members

Eight individuals are appointed by the Governor with Senate confirmation to serve on the Board of Nursing. Montana law requires that board members must include: five RNs - with one RN also licensed as an APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurse), two LPNs, and one public member. Members serve staggered 4 year terms and may not be appointed for more than two consecutive terms.

Individual Board Members can be contacted by email at In your message please specify which board member you would like to contact. For additional contact information and information on board member terms, visit  Office of the Governor - Boards

Sarah Spangler, RN, Havre, Presiding Officer
Nicole Guay, LPN, Missoula, Vice-Presiding Officer
Alicia Beagles, RN, Great Falls
Lee Ann Evatt, LPN, Fairfield
Betsy Mancuso, Public Member, Manhattan
Desma Meissner, RN, Great Falls
Russ Motschenbacher, MSN, RN, Great Falls
Kristin McColly, APRN, Hinsdale
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