Montana Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists


This board does not regulate tattooing, body/ear piercing, permanent makeup, microblading, etc. For information on these regulations visit the Department of Public Health and Human Services 

Mission Statement: The mission of the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists is to protect the health, safety and well-being of Montana citizens through the regulation and oversight of barbering, barbering nonchemical, cosmetology, electrology, esthetics, and manicuring. The board makes every effort to include relevant and current information pertaining to licensing and regulation on our website.  Please contact us if you need additional information, or to provide comments on how we can improve the website.

Welcome to the Montana Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists

  • On 8/10/24 the board adopted changes to its administrative rules as part of Governor Gianforte's Red Tape Relief Initiative. The changes focus on updating rules to current standards and procedures, eliminating unnecessary and overburdensome regulations, and also make the rules more readable for the public.

    Click here to read the most current rules posted on the Secretary of State's website. You can also reference the updated General FAQs.

  • Be aware that there are scams that specifically target licensees.

    Fraudsters may pretend to be government employees, claiming that there is a problem with your professional license or that they have questions about your practice.

    In some cases they find publicly available license information, such as your name, and then call your place of business pretending to be licensing board staff, attempting to elicit personally identifiable information.

    Department of Labor and Industry employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.

    We may call you in some situations, but will never do the following over the phone:

    • Threaten suspension or revocation of your license
    • Demand immediate payment from you
    • Require payment by cash, gift card, pre-paid debit card, internet currency, or wire transfer
    • Ask for personal details or banking information

    The following scenarios should raise suspicion:

    • A caller saying there is a problem with your professional or occupational license (licensing boards send renewal notices by mail and email)
    • Any call asking you to pay a fine or debt with retail gift cards, wire transfers, pre-paid debit cards, internet currency, or by mailing cash
    • A request to verify your social security number in its entirety over the phone

    Learn more about fraud prevention and reporting at

  • Have a Question about Medical Spas and Cosmetic Medical Procedures that Exceed Your Scope...

    Have a Question about Medical Spas and Cosmetic Medical Procedures that Exceed Your Scope of Practice?

    • Many of the most common questions and links to useful information can be found on this FAQ



    • Visit the FAQ page to view the General FAQ and other topic specific FAQs.
    • Applicants are encouraged to begin their application for licensure and to complete as much of the required information as possible,
    • Applications remain valid for one year under normal circumstances. If you submit your application and an item is missing, our licensing specialist will work with you to complete the application. We do not deny applicants for submitting an incomplete application. By completing the application’s remaining parts, exempting exams, etc., you can get ahead on the licensure process.
    • Online applications are the most efficient application method and allow you to upload your own supplemental forms directly into your application at any time.  Click here to go to our online system to create an account and begin your application.
    • Paying the fee triggers the beginning of the staff review process. Be aware that to verify authenticity, some documents such as exam results, and transcripts must be sent to the department directly from the source and cannot be uploaded by the applicant
    • Make sure your address and e-mail information are up-to-date. You can update your information at any time by logging into your online account.
    • E-mail is the board's primary form of communication so a current e-mail helps ensure you stay current on board information. 

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