Montana Board of Medical Examiners

We are available to assist customers through our public portal for Professional and Occupational Licensees. For all renewals, please renew online. We can be reached at (406) 444-6880.

Mission Statement: The mission of the Board of Medical Examiners is to protect the health, safety and well being of Montana citizens through the licensing of competent health professionals and by the regulation of the related practices to promote the delivery of quality health care.

  • Be aware that there are scams that specifically target licensees.

    Fraudsters may pretend to be government employees, claiming that there is a problem with your professional license or that they have questions about your practice.

    In some cases they find publicly available license information, such as your name, and then call your place of business pretending to be licensing board staff, attempting to elicit personally identifiable information.

    Department of Labor and Industry employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.

    We may call you in some situations, but will never do the following over the phone:

    • Threaten suspension or revocation of your license
    • Demand immediate payment from you
    • Require payment by cash, gift card, pre-paid debit card, internet currency, or wire transfer
    • Ask for personal details or banking information

    The following scenarios should raise suspicion:

    • A caller saying there is a problem with your professional or occupational license (licensing boards send renewal notices by mail and email)
    • Any call asking you to pay a fine or debt with retail gift cards, wire transfers, pre-paid debit cards, internet currency, or by mailing cash
    • A request to verify your social security number in its entirety over the phone

    Learn more about fraud prevention and reporting at

  • LCSWs, LCPCs, LMFTs, physicians (psychiatrists), psychologists, and APRNs with psychiatric mental health certifications who wish to perform sexual offender evaluations under their existing scopes of practice must apply for and obtain an endorsement to their existing license. This endorsement is a requirement to implement SB 39 (2021) which was passed by the Legislature and affects these licensees who are licensed by four different licensing boards: Boards of Behavioral Health, Medical Examiners, Nursing, and Psychologists.

    For information on the requirements to qualify for an endorsement and how to submit an online application click here.

  • Effective October 1, 2019, Section 2 of House Bill 86, enacted by the 2019 Montana Legislature, restricts the prescribing of opioids to opioid-naïve patients to a 7-day supply except in certain circumstances.  The new law states:  “…when a medical practitioner or a naturopathic physician prescribes an opioid to an opioid-naïve patient on an outpatient basis, the prescription may not be for more than a 7-day supply.”  This provision is implemented in statute at 37-2-101 and 37-2-108, MCA, within the General Provisions Related to Health Care Practitioners, and terminates June 30, 2025. 

    As identified in 37-2-108(2)(a) and (b), MCA, the restriction does not apply if:

        “(2)(a) in the professional medical judgment of the medical practitioner or naturopathic physician, a prescription for more than a 7-day supply is necessary to treat chronic pain, pain associated with cancer, or pain experienced while the patient is in palliative care; or

     (2)(b) the opioid being prescribed is designed for the treatment of opioid abuse or dependence, including but not limited to opioid agonists and opioid antagonists.”

     An opioid-naïve patient is defined in 37-2-101(10), MCA:  “…means a patient who has not been prescribed a drug containing an opioid in the 90 days prior to the acute event or surgery for which an opioid is prescribed.”

      Pharmacists are responsible for performing corresponding responsibility, as required by DEA in 21 CFR 1306.04, and practice of pharmacy requirements pursuant to 37-7-101(36), MCA.

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