Montana Board of Medical Examiners

Board Members

Board members are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.

The Board’s composition is as follows:

  • Five Physicians having the degree of Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), including one member with experience in emergency medicine
  • One Physician having the degree of Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
  • One licensed Podiatrist
  • One licensed Nutritionist
  • One licensed Physician Assistant
  • One Emergency Care Provider
  • Two members of the general public who are not medical practitioners

One additional individual is selected by the Montana Academy of Physician Assistants to serve as a non-voting liaison to the Board.

Individual board members can be contacted by email at In your message, please specify which board member you would like to contact. For additional contact information and information on board member terms, please visit the Governor’s Office link for Board Members and Councils at

Presiding Officer: Ashleigh Magill, M.D. - Physician
Vice-Presiding Officer: Brooke Yates - PA-C
Tony Pfaff - Public Member
Carley Robertson, M.D. - Physician
Camilla Juhl Petersen, M.D. - Physician
Ashleigh Magill, M.D. - Physician (Emergency)
Ana Diaz, Ph.D. - Public Member
Gina Painter, D.P.M. - Podiatrist
Vacant - Volunteer Emergency Care Provider
James Guyer, M.D. - Physician 
Christine Emerson, R.D. – Nutritionist
Adam Smith, D.O. - Physicial (Osteopathic Member)
Donald Skillman, M.D. - Physician 


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