Montana Board of Radiologic Technologists

Renewal Process

  1. The renewal deadline date (expiration date) for all Radiologic Technologists and Limited Permit Holders is February 1st of each year.
  2. Licenses issued 60 days prior to February 1 of each year will be given a renewal date of the following February 1st. (i.e., If a license is issued January 15, 2024, the license will be given an expiration date of February 1, 2025, by which they need to renew).
  3. Renewal opens 60 days prior to your expiration date. We encourage you to renew your license early in the renewal cycle.
  4. The renewal fee for Radiologic Technologist licensees is $75.00, and Limited Permit Holders must pay $60.00 to renew their permits.

  5. Late fees are the same as the renewal fees and must be paid with the renewal fee. For example, a Radiologic Technologist licensee would pay the renewal fee of $75.00 and the late fee of $75.00, for a total payment of $150.00.
  6. Fee abatements and reductions do not apply to late fees.
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