Montana Board of Radiologic Technologists


  • In order to take X-Rays in Montana you must either be a Doctor, possess a Radiologic Technologist license, or be qualified as a Limited Permit Holder.
  • Unfortunately, neither staff nor the Board can render a "pre-approval" opinion regarding a contemplated application. Only after an application has been submitted and the application fee paid can the process begin. Failure to submit a fully complete application will not result in a denial. The Department’s staff will work with you to finalize any missing items/information.
  • Currently, the board licenses (1) Radiologic Technologists and (2) Limited Permit Holders (LPH). LPH's can take x-rays within their scope as outlined in MCA 37-14-306 and ARM 24.204.501.
  •  Please contact the ARRT (American Registry of Radiologic Technologists) for the most current list of approved schools for a radiologic technologist license.

    A limited permit holder license may be obtained by:

    1. graduates of a minimum 104-hour course board-approved course. Board-approved courses are:

    NOTE: ROC has not been approved for the optional "State-Combined" exam


    1. students who have completed half of a radiologic technologist program accredited by a mechanism recognized by the ARRT (American Registry of Radiologic Technologists)
  • Pursuant to MCA 34-14-313 a RA/RPA is someone who has completed an advanced academic program encompassing a nationally recognized radiologist assistant curriculum or certification and who has a radiologist-directed clinical preceptorship certificate may practice as a radiologist assistant upon approval by the board. Specific rules to RA/RPA's can be found in ARM 24.204.6
  • Can I, as a Radiologic Technologist, administer medication under direct supervision from a Radiologist?

    No, the only form of medication you may inject are fluids related to contrast media and/or fluoroscopy. Exceptions exist for an Radiologic Assistant/Radiology Practitioner Assistant.

  • You may apply for a temporary practice permit if you have graduated from a radiologic technology course and have completed all requirements for licensure other than passing the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) examination. The permit expires 15 days after the first opportunity for examination. Hardship extensions may be granted at the Board's discretion. You are not allowed to apply for another temporary permit if you fail the exam.
  • Licenses under the board expire on February 1 of every year. In order to avoid a late fee, you must renew prior to February 1. Renewals can be accomplished online or via mail using the forms in the Form section of this website. Radiologic Technologists must also submit a $75 renewal fee in addition to their renewal. Limited Permit Holders must submit a $60 fee in addition to their renewal.
  • Your license will enter a "lapsed" state. During this time you may still renew your license within 45 days by submitting your renewal and paying applicable fees. If you do not renew within 45 days, your license is considered expired by the Department. You may still renew your license up to 2 years from the original date of renewal by submitting your renewal and paying any applicable fees and submitting continuing education requirements. After 2 years, you must re-apply for your license. You should endeavor to renew your license timely, by keeping your contact information current the Department may notify you of the upcoming renewal. Renewal is your responsibility.
  • Specific rules regarding continuing education may be found in Rule 24.204.201Please review these rules as you are responsible for maintaining your CE. Maintain all your CE records in the event you are randomly selected in the annual audit. At that time you will have to provide proof of completion.
  • The board meets at least twice yearly pursuant to statute. Depending upon issues that may arise in between these required meetings the board can meet on an interim basis.
  • Please e-mail your request to join to Upon receipt you will be added and then receive notifications related to Board activity.
  • Montana radiologic technologist licensure is only available to individuals who have ARRT credentials in Radiography, and perform x-ray for diagnostic purposes.

    Individuals who don’t have an ARRT credential in Radiography ® would not need a Montana radiologic technologist license. The facility hiring you would be responsible for ensuring you hold the appropriate credentials to perform various radiologic disciplines (Ex: Radiation Therapy (T), Mammography (M), Computed Tomography (CT), etc.)

  • Do you monitor machines? I have a radiation/X ray machine and want to know if it needs to be registered with the State.

    Radiation machines are regulated by the Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS).

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