Montana Board of Dentistry


For specific information on filing an application, you will need to obtain the Application and consult the specific statute and rule requirements, which include a detailed listing of the requirements necessary for licensure.  This paper application details both ways in which you may obtain a license in Montana, examination or credentialing. Applicants are encouraged to use the paper form as a checklist when applying; however, applying on-line is the fastest way to receive your license. 

  • Licensing Fees
    Examination Application Fees
    Application Fee $100.00
    Jurisprudence Exam $ 85.00
    Total: $185.00
    Credentialing Application Fees
    Application Fee $100.00
    Credentialing $375.00
    Jurisprudence Exam $ 85.00
    Total: $560.00
    Volunteer Application Fee
    Application Fee $5.00 

    Restricted Non-Resident Volunteer Application Fee

    Application fee $10.00

  • Qualified dentists licensed in Montana can apply for two types of endorsements to their licenses: Moderate Anesthesia or Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia Permits. For more information on the requirements and the PDF application forms, click on the Forms menu and look under General Forms. A deep sedation/general anesthesia permit allows the practitioner to perform all levels of anesthesia, including moderate.

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