Montana Board of Occupational Therapy Practice

We are available to assist customers through our online public portal at EBIZ.MT.GOV/POL (Professional and Occupational Licenses) and EBIZ.MT.GOV (for Permits). For other services, please contact us via email at DLIBSDHELP@MT.GOV or by phone (406) 444-6880. 

Welcome to the Montana Board of Occupational Therapy Practice

  • Renewal fees for Occupational Therapist and Occupational Therapist Assistants are abated this renewal period beginning April 17, 2024. Licensees must still renew by June 17, 2024. The renewal fee is $0. Licensees that renew after June 17th will be charged the regular renewal fee plus late fees.

    You can renew your license starting April 17, 2024. Late fees from prior renewal periods and other status fees may apply during the abatement period.

  • The passage of SB155 (MCA 37-24-401) in 2023 enacted into law the Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact. 

    Until the compact is fully implemented, Occupational Therapists and Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants that are licensed in a compact state will need to apply for licensure in Montana to provide services.

    Please see the compact’s website for the most up-to-date information.

    Last Updated 3/6/25
  • Amendments to remove the definitions of "deep modalities" and "deep modality endorsement" from board rules take effect on 10/2/21.  These amendments complete the board's updates to its rule language so it correctly reflects the language used in statute. Endorsements that people can apply for and that will print on licenses going forward are: (1) superficial endorsement; and (2) topical medications endorsement.

    The term deep modality endorsement does not exist in statute and these two endorsements correctly reflect the names of the endorsements created by the Legislature. These changes do not alter your existing scope of practice or the types of training and education required to perform what had been incorrectly referred to as a deep modality. They merely ensure the language used (i.e. superficial and topical medications endorsements) reflects the language actually used in statute.

    Click on this link to the adoption notice.

  • Be aware that there are scams that specifically target licensees.

    Fraudsters may pretend to be government employees, claiming that there is a problem with your professional license or that they have questions about your practice.

    In some cases they find publicly available license information, such as your name, and then call your place of business pretending to be licensing board staff, attempting to elicit personally identifiable information.

    Department of Labor and Industry employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.

    We may call you in some situations, but will never do the following over the phone:

    • Threaten suspension or revocation of your license
    • Demand immediate payment from you
    • Require payment by cash, gift card, pre-paid debit card, internet currency, or wire transfer
    • Ask for personal details or banking information

    The following scenarios should raise suspicion:

    • A caller saying there is a problem with your professional or occupational license (licensing boards send renewal notices by mail and email)
    • Any call asking you to pay a fine or debt with retail gift cards, wire transfers, pre-paid debit cards, internet currency, or by mailing cash
    • A request to verify your social security number in its entirety over the phone

    Learn more about fraud prevention and reporting at

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